A dear friend sent me a joke with a picture of a woman about 60+, holding a cell phone, looking very confused, followed by texting codes with their meanings. Things like:
ATD: At The Doctor's
BFF: Best Friend Fainted
BTW: Bring the Wheelchair
BYOT: Bring Your Own Teeth
LMDO: Laughing My Dentures Out
LOL: Living On Lipitor
LWO: Lawrence Welk's On
WTFA: Wet the Furniture Again
WTP: Where's The Prunes?
I fail to see the humor in assuming that people over… say 55 are non-technical, confused and/or useless.
Old farts are 'old' mainly because they accept being old. They're over medicated, standing in line to get their 10% off that crappy cup of coffee, or just sit around waiting to die. Is it inevitable? Oh hell, no!
We are doing some of it to ourselves. And from my observations, it is definitely regional - just a few examples:
Omaha, and the entire mid-west:
Women ~ wash/wear perms, house-dresses and rocking chairs on the front porch.
Men ~ suspenders with belts, overalls, plaid shirts buttoned all the way up. [Lord have mercy!]
Any place called SUN CITY, WEST of Kansas:
Women ~ bluish hair and brown nails, teased/lacquered hair.
Men ~ poofed/lacquered hair. [androgyny makes me nervous]
Any place EAST of Kansas:
Women ~ Same hair color as in high school, teased/lacquered; the further east you go, the darker the hair. Way too heavy makeup, jewelry, perfume. Kinda’ of a Jersey Shore retirement snapshot. [Ewww - just puked a little!]
Men ~ hair dyed dark, along with mustache and eyebrows; everything except the prominent nose hair. Sox of any kind with sandals, or dark dress sox with white tennis shoes.
Yes, I am painting with a very wide brush, and there are always exceptions, but these are my perceptions.
Personally, I prefer the European elderly; aging gracefully, walking everywhere and being useful until the day they die.
We cannot refrain from dying, but we can resist decrepitude!
Love, Smile, Dance!
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