… some mook on television said: ‘hamburger meat’.
Yes, you’re right, that’s just one more thing that pisses me off, unless you are under 5 years old, and then your parents and grandparents have done a miserable job in your upbringing.
But wait! There’s more, and I know for a certainty that you also have some, so confess and get them out in the open. Maybe we, as a country can eliminate this kind stupidity. I will post more as I hear them, and go off once again.
Hamburger Meat
Are there hamburger cars, or hamburger clouds, boogers, arms, shoes or hair conditioner?
Tuna Fish
Don’t even get me started. However, some of these can be very funny; funny but lewd.
“I’m about to lose it!”
Hold on a minute, I want to get some popcorn so I can watch.
“Don’t be a hater!”
Either you are 10 years old or you watch Jersey Shore [which is even worse].
“Failure is not an option”
PULEASE stop quoting movies and especially Forrest Gump and/or Yoda. Those ships sailed, long ago.
And by the way, of course it’s an option! At times, it’s even a certainty.
Not that you’d deliberately take it but sometimes, as hard as it is to accept, you are NOT the center of the universe with all control over everything.
That’s why the phrase, “Ah, crap!” was invented. [yes, I cleaned it up]
“Anything is possible!
No its not. Even if I take a job as a lab assistant in a nuclear lab, and poke the radioactive spider long enough that he bites me, I will NOT become SPIDER WOMAN [do-do-do-doooooooo!]
Well, yeah, but anything is possible within reason. Yeah? What is the criteria for ‘within reason’? Queen of Canada? Gold medal in the Olympics at 70 years old and decrepit? Oh, so all of those are NOT within reason.
Wow, this is harder than I thought. Okay, so how about, I’m a really good actress, all my teachers said so, yet I’m not in the movies. That sounds do-able doesn’t it? AND my whole family worked in Hollywood. Still ‘not within reason?’
Now I get it! Anything THAT IS EASY is possible; finally something we can all agree on.
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