Thursday, March 22, 2012


From what I can tell, YES!

I came across a questionnaire that AARP sent out, “so my voice could be heard”, but the questionnaire was pure BULLSHIT. It’s screwed to make it look like we [those past middle-aged] want privatization of the system.

I feel AARP is selling out seniors. From what I’ve read, they’ve had secret meetings behind closed doors to privatize the Medicare/Social Security systems, so they, in turn, can sell us overprices insurance!  

Read the questionnaire I found….
Crap! I had to delete the entire questionnaire due to a stiff copyright claim.

I may not be allowed to print their questions, but I can print my responses. You’ll get the idea.

PULEASE go to the AARP website and see the questionnaire itself:

The questionnaire starts out okay, but…. it is freakin’ biased!
I would think that something that went out to all AARP members wouldn’t need to be copyrighted. Hell! No one is going to make a movie out of the damn thing!

1.        Any answer except “A” seems to state that we are unhappy and either want or need a change.
           I do not trust my government to start changing Social Security or Medicare. Some have advocated privatization for decades, which means WE THE PEOPLE, would be screwed.

2         Any answer except “A” says we are unhappy want/need a change.3 out of the 4 answers say the system is broken. Medicare and/or Social Security is working well, and is NOT OUT OF MONEY.

3.        This is a real tricky one. You DO get more than you’ve contributed if you live to a ripe old age; that’s a fact. However, if you die before retirement, then you wouldn’t be reading this, and…. [let’s move on now]

4.        A wickedly misleading question. There are only answers that say we NEED changes. Do you see where these are all going?

5.        The most deliberately misleading question of all! The question infers that   there are changes in the works. There are no changes being made at this time, and won't be unless  they're successful in making it look like we want changes’.  Say ‘NO”, actually say: ‘HELL NO. IT WORKS WELL. - LEAVE IT THE HELL  ALONE!”

6.        This one is like the old joke: ‘Do you walk to work or take your lunch?’
           There is no good answer.

SHAME ON AARP! It looks like they’ve sold out and they’re trying to take all seniors with them!

There are some articles you must read, before you lose all your benefits. Once they’re reduced, it’s a slippery slope to gone, and there will be no going back. has the up to the minute information on everything that’s happening with Social Security and Medicare.

As AARP Abandons Social Security, It’s Time to Step Up Our Efforts

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