If you follow and contribute to any blog, eventually you will find that there’s always a pompous ass in the mix; a know-it all, a troll who thinks they are the smartest one on the web… period.
How can we make them play nice, or if necessary, shut them up? Okay, so I say them, but usually it’s a him. Don’t know why, I’m just reporting the facts as I see them. And, yes, I am painting with a very wide brush.
But you have to be careful lest you become just another pompous ass. Just for clarification, I AM NOT a pompous ass - I am a pundit. See the difference? Yes, I know you would. Okay, back to the topic.
Once on a writer’s blog, it seems that I offended a cockney head-banger, and he kept after me, one insult after another. Then he made the mistake of referring to me as a tart [and not the yummy, pastry kind].
Rather than get in to a battle of insults, I played the ultimate STFU card with:
“Oh, Lambchop, don’t judge all women by your wife.” He stopped and never bothered me again.
Now, before I hear how mean I was… many writers thanked me for shutting him up. I know, I could have just called him a ‘Poo-poo head’, but he was escalating, and I was pissed. Actually, I consider my response quiet constrained and clever.
So, maybe I am a little pompous; such is the personality of a writer.
He was a cyber-bully, and as with all bullies, you have to make them stop, and not take the abuse. Is it really that easy? [still painting with a wide brush]; YES.
Peace, and if that doesn’t work; get ‘em!
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