Tuesday, March 27, 2012


 … some mook on television said: ‘hamburger meat’.

Yes, you’re right, that’s just one more thing that pisses me off, unless you are under 5 years old, and then your parents and grandparents have done a miserable job in your upbringing.

But wait! There’s more, and I know for a certainty that you also have some, so confess and get them out in the open. Maybe we, as a country can eliminate this kind stupidity. I will post more as I hear them, and go off once again.

Hamburger Meat
Are there hamburger cars, or hamburger clouds, boogers, arms, shoes or hair conditioner?

Tuna Fish              
Don’t even get me started. However, some of these can be very funny; funny but lewd.

“I’m about to lose it!”      
Hold on a minute, I want to get some popcorn so I can watch.

“Don’t be a hater!”          
Either you are 10 years old or you watch Jersey Shore [which is even worse].

“Failure is not an option”          
PULEASE stop quoting movies and especially Forrest Gump and/or Yoda. Those ships sailed, long ago.
And by the way, of course it’s an option! At times, it’s even a certainty.
Not that you’d deliberately take it but sometimes, as hard as it is to accept, you are NOT the center of the universe with all control over everything.
That’s why the phrase, “Ah, crap!” was invented. [yes, I cleaned it up]

“Anything is possible!    
No its not. Even if I take a job as a lab assistant in a nuclear lab, and poke the radioactive spider long enough that he bites me, I will NOT become SPIDER WOMAN [do-do-do-doooooooo!]

Well, yeah, but anything is possible within reason. Yeah? What is the criteria for ‘within reason’? Queen of Canada? Gold medal in the Olympics at 70 years old and decrepit?  Oh, so all of those are NOT within reason.

Wow, this is harder than I thought. Okay, so how about, I’m a really good actress, all my teachers said so, yet I’m not in the movies. That sounds do-able doesn’t it? AND my whole family worked in Hollywood. Still ‘not within reason?’

Now I get it! Anything THAT IS EASY is possible; finally something we can all agree on.

Sunday, March 25, 2012



“I’ve come to share the good news of Jesus Christ…”

           I know Jesus. He’s a very important part of my life.

“Jesus died……”

           I really do know.

“Jesus came to bring….:

           I’m a Druid. [I close the door]

BETTER SCENARIO, which never happens, but should…

“If you don’t have a home church, I’d like to invite you to come and visit__________.”

           Thank you very much.  I will consider it.

Nice, huh? I probably will not go, but at least I’m not pissed off.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


From what I can tell, YES!

I came across a questionnaire that AARP sent out, “so my voice could be heard”, but the questionnaire was pure BULLSHIT. It’s screwed to make it look like we [those past middle-aged] want privatization of the system.

I feel AARP is selling out seniors. From what I’ve read, they’ve had secret meetings behind closed doors to privatize the Medicare/Social Security systems, so they, in turn, can sell us overprices insurance!  

Read the questionnaire I found….
Crap! I had to delete the entire questionnaire due to a stiff copyright claim.

I may not be allowed to print their questions, but I can print my responses. You’ll get the idea.

PULEASE go to the AARP website and see the questionnaire itself:   


The questionnaire starts out okay, but…. it is freakin’ biased!
I would think that something that went out to all AARP members wouldn’t need to be copyrighted. Hell! No one is going to make a movie out of the damn thing!

1.        Any answer except “A” seems to state that we are unhappy and either want or need a change.
           I do not trust my government to start changing Social Security or Medicare. Some have advocated privatization for decades, which means WE THE PEOPLE, would be screwed.

2         Any answer except “A” says we are unhappy want/need a change.3 out of the 4 answers say the system is broken. Medicare and/or Social Security is working well, and is NOT OUT OF MONEY.

3.        This is a real tricky one. You DO get more than you’ve contributed if you live to a ripe old age; that’s a fact. However, if you die before retirement, then you wouldn’t be reading this, and…. [let’s move on now]

4.        A wickedly misleading question. There are only answers that say we NEED changes. Do you see where these are all going?

5.        The most deliberately misleading question of all! The question infers that   there are changes in the works. There are no changes being made at this time, and won't be unless  they're successful in making it look like we want changes’.  Say ‘NO”, actually say: ‘HELL NO. IT WORKS WELL. - LEAVE IT THE HELL  ALONE!”

6.        This one is like the old joke: ‘Do you walk to work or take your lunch?’
           There is no good answer.

SHAME ON AARP! It looks like they’ve sold out and they’re trying to take all seniors with them!

There are some articles you must read, before you lose all your benefits. Once they’re reduced, it’s a slippery slope to gone, and there will be no going back.

www.firedoglake.com has the up to the minute information on everything that’s happening with Social Security and Medicare.

As AARP Abandons Social Security, It’s Time to Step Up Our Efforts

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Touchy subject, but it needs to be addressed. For the record, I am a heterosexual, married woman.

In this 21st century of recognizable human existence, most, or at least a lot of civilized countries, even churches recognize the common sense of legalizing marriage between human beings no matter what the sexual preference.

YIKES! An attack on God!!!

No, just on small-minded sects and people. A church I used to attend won’t even allow a Blessing of Union [not necessarily the national church, but one particular parish]. We’re not talking about a real marriage ceremony, but just a declaration of love between two people. Does it get more small minded than that?

I confronted the rector about it asking why we weren’t embracing this ceremony. I was told there are people in the church that would be upset about it.

And why you may ask? Economics. Generally, old people have more money to support the church and those same people are afraid of everything, especially anyone different than they are.

A bit harsh, you say? I don’t make the rules; I just report on what I see.

Why, you may ask… again. It seems that 30 years earlier they discovered that their rector was GAY! Oh the horror! Sure, everyone loved him right up until they discovered his dirty little secret.  No understanding, no acceptance; only condemnation, and they’ve held on to it for 30 freakin’ years, and stuck in the judgmental dark ages.

Yes, things are better for Gays than in the 60’s, but BIG WHOOP! It’s not enough. I am for equal rights for ALL, with no qualifications or exceptions.

But what about…. you say. NO EXCEPTIONS. Yeah, it’s sometimes hard to adhere to, but try it; you will be a better person for it.

Peace and Equality for all