Let’s talk about how ‘the movies’ portray older [s h u d d e r] women….
They generally portray women over 45 as demure and easily shocked.
Then when a woman really gets old [Jessica Tandy], there are parts for them again; sometimes even good parts. But face it, not many.
Of course there are exceptions, Dame Judy Dench, Helen Mirren for example. Oh, and Glenn Close (in Damages). Meryl Streep made movies about older women in a sexual situations (It’s Complicated and Mamma Mia), and I applaud her!
But! What about Sharon Stone, Sigourney Weaver and Goldie Hawn? All beautiful, funny, and great actors, but I don’t see them burning up the screen anymore. They committed the unforgiveable sin of ‘aging’ [blood curdling scream]!
Let’s talk about Hollywood’s bias towards dirty old men, dating young girls/women, and against women over 50 [it’s really more like 40, but I won’t quibble]. Just for fun, let’s examine some specifics of some asinine dialogue. There are more, but this one really irked me when I saw it.
When meeting her ‘friends’ ex-wife Jessica Beal says, “As a matter of fact... l fucked his brains out,” to which his ex replies, “Obviously, you did. Charmed, dear.”
Much too gracious for the encounter. The ex-wife seemed embarrassed, excuses herself and slinks away.
She should have laughed and said, “Oh, baby girl… That was accomplished years ago!” Then blew him a kiss and walked away slowly, laughing and shaking her head.
First, the character had no valid reason to be so damned crude, rude and snarky to a woman she didn’t even know. Actually, there was nothing to remotely like about that Beal character, except the dance number with the whole water thing— very cool.
Secondly, her would-be boyfriend was a total dork. Enough said.
Let’s see…
Young, pretty witches are always good, and the old, ugly crones are almost always bad. I’d love to see a sweet attractive old crone and a mean, bitchy young witch. No one would believe it, huh? No, wait—
with Stockard Channing and Dianne Wiest. They, and that movie are the exception, and that’s the ONLY example I can come up with, and I’ve tried. Of course, Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman were equally brilliant.
We will remain, 'fair and balanced' even if FOX isn't.
Aging? OK, you asked for it. You said: "What about Sharon Stone, Sigourney Weaver and Goldie Hawn? All beautiful, funny, and great actors, but I don’t see them burning up the screen anymore."
ReplyDeleteReally? Here are the facts.
Sharon Stone: born in 1958, she has a starring role in Largo Winch II, a French film, directed by Jérôme Salle and released in 2011.
Sigourney Weaver: born in 1949, she overcame her "Sci-Fi Queen" stereotyping from the '80s, and in 2011 has had starring roles in Cedar Rapids, Abduction, Vamps and another film in post-production. She's presently filming The Cold Light of Day and Red Lights, both for release in 2012.
Goldie Hawn: born 1945 (two years younger than me). She backed away temporarily from acting and in 2005, her autobiography, A Lotus Grows in the Mud, was published. Her next film project will be called Ashes to Ashes and co-star her longtime partner Kurt Russell. It's a film is about a New York widow who loses her late husband's ashes in India.
In the personal opinion of this 67-year-old sexually-active single "geezer" these women are hotter now than they have ever been. Period.
Additional thoughts...
ReplyDeleteThere are some of us who don't fit your stereotype of "dirty old men, dating young girls/women, and against women over 50"... and actually relish the time spent with them far more than some under-40 ditzy airhead who can't get her act together. Just look around... there are plenty of us out there.
So try and remain 'fair and balanced' in your thoughts and judgments... and why is it that I, a man, am the only one commenting?
In any case, keep it up, as I'm actually here in support of each and every one of you - seriously!
Really, JT, that’s the nicest my ass have ever been handed me!
ReplyDeleteGranted, I’ve never heard of any of the movies and/or projects, but I sincerely want to thank you. It’s very hard always being right all the time… and I need to be told when I am wrong! LOL!
And he’s right! Why is a MAN the only one commenting on a blog that is presumably, mostly for women?
Sisters, Please!!