Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I have a friend who just turned 60 and refers to herself as a cougar.


She insists that you’re a cougar until you turn 65.

Really? I don’t think so. She damned good looking for her age, but…. no man in his 20’s or 30’s would ask her out, even it if were just for sex [especially just for sex]. Let’s face it, a sexual encounter is easy to get.

So as an ex-project manager that I am, I did some research and this is what is commonly accepted:

           Minx  =  20’s
           Puma  =  30’s
           Cougar  =  40’s
           Sabertooth  =  50’s and beyond…

I agree with most of this; it makes sense, except I’d stretch the cougar state to 40 thorough 59, but when you hit 60, you are definitely a Sabertooth.

So what exactly is the difference between and cougar besides the age difference?

Glad you asked! A cougar is a woman in the 40’s or so, looking for a sexual hookup [which is not bad] with a younger man. She’s not really looking for commitment or anything beyond red-hot monkey sex [again, not bad].

Cougars seem to be [but not always][ looking for validation of their sexual attractiveness. Let’s face it, a man is attracted as long as the woman doesn’t scream or mace him. So, what wrong with a fling? NOTHING!

Sabertooths will date younger men, men their own age or older men. There just doesn’t seem to be that quiet desperation attachment to them that you sometimes see in cougars.

Oh, please, stop saying bullshit. Case in point, just look at ‘Desperate Housewives’ or ‘Housewives of anywhere.” Now that’s desperation, quiet or not!

Peace, my Sisters!

Monday, July 16, 2012


As an unapologetic feminist, I cannot fathom how ANY woman could support Romney.
He is ANTI WOMEN. If you do not care about your rights, then think about your daughters and their daughters rights in a country without PLANNED PARENTHOOD, absolutely no abortion even in cases of rape or incest. And so much more. 
You don't have to believe me, but look up his speeches and see that he is no more than a fifth century zealot. 
All women are a sisterhood, no matter race, religion and political affiliation. AND we are the majority in this country. WE have the power, if we'd just band together and USE it. 
Think about it.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

If you like quirky stories [and I know you do], then here's a good one for you!


Twilight Times, an award winning magazine of speculative fiction, poetry and artwork.
