to every pain-in-the-ass I’ve ever known….
Dear [insert name here],
You are a brilliant [insert title].
You have more certifications than a rehab center, and you seem to love your mother…
You are negative.
You are a whiner.
You are cranky and a know-it-all.
You are always late to [appointments, meetings, parties], if you show up at all.
You seem to think you're above answering emails or phone messages.
You demean your friends.
You drop the F-bomb (which at times, can be very funny) inappropriately.
I can't trust to let you in the same room with anyone I care about.
You drop bad news prematurely, claiming that you were taught to tell the truth.
You have never learned the value of silence. You have the right, but not the ability.
You exaggerate, if not plain lie.
Overall, you are a royal pain in the ass and WAY too high maintenance.
Next time you think of getting together with me; don’t bother. I’ve really tried with you, but I’m running out of garlic….. and I'm kicking your sorry-ass to the curb.
Wow, I’m feeling much better now!